New Page Added

I have added a new page, Sacred Geometry. Learn about sacred geometry, the building blocks of the universe, and how this knowledge can help you awaken to the true reality.


Spirit Science 30 ~ Our Real History Full NEW Movie HD

A very similar tale to the last video posted. However, many may find this presentation much more entertaining.



Drunvalo Melchizedek Birth of a New Humanity 2010


Drunvalo Melchizdek gives us an interesting new perspective on human history. I believe that the story we have been given to believe by mainstream “science” is definitely not the WHOLE story.

Become an Affiliate and Social Discount

Now you can save money, or make money by social sharing, 25% discount, or affiliate, 20% of each sale. Share my eBook on Facebook and Twitter and receive a 25% discount when purchasing my new eBook, The Emerald Tablets of Thoth New English Translation. Or become an affiliate and make 20% off of each sale!. Just comment on this post if interested.

By revsavage