Ancient Technology, Religion, and Spirituality

It is becoming more and more obvious to researchers that ancient religious, spiritual, and secret societies had, and made use of knowledge and technology, that was hidden from the common man. Many of this information was used in military maneuvers, to “inspire” the masses, or even to to control them outright. The following video will give you a taste of some of these methodologies, their uses, and just how far the upper echelons of societies would go to guide the minds of men, or to thwart their military advances.

eBook Available

If you would like to help me in my quest for truth, be sure to purchase my eBook. Discounts are available, and all proceeds will go toward fueling my research and the creation of more eBooks. As you can tell I have spent many thousands of hours researching several subjects, both past and present, to try and find a common thread of truth. As I search, I an beginning to gleam that thread, and the road I am being led down is a very interesting one. I believe I am coming close to the truth, and answering many questions about the vast global conspiracy to cover up the truth, a truth that may well answer the most compelling questions the human race has to ask. Why are we here? Where did we come from? and What lies in store for our future. My next eBook, fully original, is in the works, and I do have plans to upload more esoteric and occult eBooks to my Payhip account to help fund my research. If any of you have questions or comments feel free to contact me. You can also check out my FaceBook page at RevJohn Savage. Thank you for your curiosity, and remember, to always question the answer.

Very Interesting Site For Those interested In Ancient Civilizations and Knowledge

Please check out Ancient Explorers.

Here is a video to get you started.

Be sure to check out their video channel on YouTube!

Their work is very inspiring, and someday, I hope do be involved with projects like this one, or even start a non-profit of my own with which to do similar research.


WARNING! Everything we know is changing; get ready!

End of the World and World War 3 will Start in 2015 : Shocking Revelations Full Documentary

Very Important YouTube Channel!

I want to share this channel with my followers because it contains a plethora of VERY important videos for those who are awakening to the TRUTH. Please check it out and give thumbs ups , likes, and shares. The work this person is doing is excellent. I would like to thank him personally for all his hard work. Many people do not realize the thousands of hours that people like he and I put into doing our research, and the importance of sharing this information in a time when it is sorely needed.